Canadian contemporary folk music singer-songwriter Cameron Molloy is a natural born performer. He effortlessly delivers captivating vocal performances with a relaxed stage presence. Cameron has arrived at a place in his performances where he enchants people with both his voice and his instrument. Those qualities plus a story telling songwriting ability beyond his years makes Cameron a definite gem in the musical community.

Cameron Molloy standing near fenceFollowing numerous coffee house performances at the age of eight, he was inspired to embark on his songwriting career. Beginning to play guitar at the age of seven, Cameron started writing songs around that time as well. Subsequently creating his own tracks like “An Old Boy”, and “Nobody Cares”, which were amongst his first creations. Inspired early on by artists and bands like the Beatles, Bruno Mars, Nickelback, followed by John Mayer, James Taylor and Ed Sheeran, Cameron caught the music bug and began posting videos on his YouTube channel and social media.Years later, his relentless and prolific dedication is a testament to his destiny to create a deep catalogue of exceptional songs.

Growing up in a musical family, Cameron was constantly in the presence of melodies throughout the household. From waking up to legends playing through the living room stereo system, to his mother and father singing and playing instruments, and attending maritime folk festivals like the “Stan Rogers Folk Festival”, music was inevitable to be in Cameron’s blood. Dreaming of someday performing on stages alongside the artists he marvels.

Cameron Molloy sitting near the water with a guitarReleasing his first self-titled EP at the age of twelve that showcases an eclectic blend of genres and his multitude of music personalities, Cameron’s has since been honing in on his craft, ultimately finding his niche. His debut album “Lyric Journal” released January 10th 2020, is an intimate collection of songs each with its own unique story of love and loss that touches the hearts of listeners. Recorded at Studio Z Productions with producer and engineer Mike Oz, Cameron had the intentions of keeping the sound authentic to the live performance and his Maritime roots. Allowing “Lyric Journal” to showcase his ability to deliver exceptional lyrical content and memorable melodies that listeners would believe we’re crafted by an industry veteran.

This young export artist at the age of 18 years old has an immense list of performances that include; appearances at the Larlee Creek Hullabaloo Festival, the River Jam Festival, at the ECMA’s as a Radio opening artist, at Music NB as a Youth Showcase Artist, and even the festival that inspired Cameron the most: The Stan Rogers Folk Festival as a Main Stage Tweener. In 2014 he even got the chance to participate on hit television show “YTV The Next Star” that was broadcasted nation-wide. After weeks of gruelling work and recording in Toronto, Canada, Cameron made it to top 9 and was shown on 3 episodes of “The Next Star” that aired to many across Canada. This exposure brought stardom to this young maritime artist around his hometown of Moncton, NB. But from his humble beginnings of open mics at local coffee shops and busking at farmers markets, it is those who haves upported his musical journey thus far who Cameron owes all for his his early on success. Those being his Family, friends, music instructors, and fans who are the true stars.

In the end, Cameron continues to improve on his skills, attending songwriting workshops and networking to seek out new opportunities that include showcasing his abilities at music industry conferences and festivals. In 2020-2021, he will be attending STFX University to pursue a degree in jazz guitar studies to further his ever-growing knowledge of music and the music industry. With a bright future in front of him, his fans can be assured, that his best work is yet to come …

Cameron Molloy with guitar on his backFollow Cameron on:

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Remko de Keijzer
Born somewhere in the last century. Love searching for new talent, but I don't forget talents I've already found. If you ask me why I promote young artists, my answer is: "Talent doesn't start at adulthood. Talent is already inside people, it just needs to come out. Artists I share have shown they have talent. I don't forget talents when they become older. I keep supporting them, whether I've just discovered them or know them for years. If you stumble upon a talent, don't forget to tell him/her that, they appreciate it."


  1. I am so delighted to see Cameron back here featured on the site! Thankyou Remko for this outstanding update for a young artist that I have always seen so much promise in! Keep up the great work Cameron we are all very proud of your accomplishments!


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