Fifteen year old Owen Mac resides in Coleraine, Northern Ireland, and began singing just 3 years ago. He is a natural born singer having had no professional lessons and truly demonstrates a God given talent! His musical influence comes primarily from being in a fairly musical family with a Dad who is always singing and a Mother who continually has music on in the house. Owen told me that the music was usually “the good old country singers such as Ray Price, Gene Watson and others”. Owen has two sisters Shauna 18, and Shannon 12, who are very supportive of Owen and also love Country and Country Gospel music.
Owen was given an opportunity at 12 years of age to sing at an outside broadcast of Hugo Duncans (BBC Radio Ulster) and sang a Derek Ryan cover of “Gods Plan”. BBC Radio Ulster put it on their website and it went viral. This inspired Owen and proved to be a real confidence builder for him and an encouragement to keep going.
He said, “especially rewarding to me was reading all the lovely comments from all over the world”. Following this he received a text from Derek Ryan to perform the song on stage with him, which at that time was a huge opportunity for Owen.
Owen went on to explain a major event that really kicked things off for him musically:

“My Mum took a little home video of me one night in the house singing another song called “My Mother”, which I was only learning at the time. I was hoping she wouldn’t send it to anyone but she sent it to Jimmy Buckley who the song belonged to, and who also performed the song. He posted it on social media and it did remarkably well for me. I then was asked to perform the song on stage with him. Since that event I have been gigging all over Ireland and England and have recently just arrived home from Canada which was a huge experience for me. I performed in two Theatres there and I am booked to go back again this year with my own musicians. Big thank-you to Leo Puddester for giving me my first opportunity internationally.”
During the last 3 years Owen appeared in a documentary on television called “Keeping Er Country”, (link may not be available everywhere) where they followed him at home, to shows, and even in to the recording studio just to see what a young person’s life was like who was involved in the Country Music scene. Owen said: “I found this very intense to be honest, as Mum keeps saying I’m a man of few words, but fun at same time”.
Owen also made 3 other television appearances where he had the opportunity to sing some of his songs.
The Fourth Album:
Owen recently recorded his fourth album which is due to be released this month. This is an amazing accomplishment for such a young artist. When asked about his CD launch he said; “I’m really looking forward to my album launch on October 24th where I’ll be joined with other artists during that evening. In addition I have a DVD out that includes all my videos from my songs which were filmed all over Ireland.”
If you want to purchase one of or his CD’s or his latest release, be sure to visit Owen’s Facebook Page. You can also pre-order now from his website.
Owen is now in his last compulsory year of high school and studying his GCSE’s. (General Certificate of Secondary Education) While not quite sure at this stage where he will go from here, he professed that he would really like to be singing to larger audiences all over the world.
In closing he added;
“I don’t take anything for granted and we’ll see where this path leads to. Whatever is to be is to be, as my Mum keeps saying”, he said laughingly. “I would also like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who has listened or purchased my music and to everyone (loads) too many to mention, who have helped me in any way on this amazing journey…
Also Thankyou Rod for featuring me on your great Rivenmaster website I feel very honored .”
Note from the Author:
This past month I traveled to Scotland for a visit with Torchlight Talent’s Matthew Todd. It was a great time of getting to know each other better and doing what both Matthew and I enjoy the most, (promoting and helping young aspiring talent).

One of the highlights was visiting Northern Ireland and meeting up with Irish Country Artist Owen Mac, his Mom and two sisters. Fifteen year old Owen is not only a charming young man with a great personality but is polite, humble, and extremely professional! We were afforded more than two hours to enjoy a meal together and get to know more about this amazing young artist and his family.
We discussed a variety of subjects with Owen but of course the most relevant was the release of his 4th CD later this month. Most artists take many years to accomplish this task but Owen has done it in just a few short years.
Be sure to ORDER YOUR COPY NOW! You can also use the link on the front page of this website or above. Be assured our copy is already ordered to add to Owen’s other three CD’s that are displayed prominently in my audio library.
Thanks to Michelle Mcveigh for helping to make this meeting in Ireland and feature article possible! It was a pleasure meeting you, Owen and the girls! Wishing you all the very best of success in the future! Big congratulations to Owen on his 4th CD!
Owen Mac is my #1 Country singer. I can’t wait until he comes to the USA. I love his whole family. Owen is a great role model for the younger generation.
Love You Owen Mac♥️🎶🎶
I first listened to Owen mac when my dad told me about him he is also from Coleraine what a fantastic singer a credit too his parents wish you all the best fair play too him regards Steve begley
Owen mac has a lovely voice also love his songs always listening to them
Love to watch and Listen to young Owen I am sure I probably will not get to see or meet him not at (76) I will get a CD before long I wish you well always. Love your singing. One of your biggest and oldest FANS.
Nancy is not your oldest fan as I am 84. I have been following you for the last few years, actually since your first CD was posted. I think you have a fabulous voice and will go far in country music industry.
I first heard this young man as I was browsing around country artist.
Being from a Country music family ,my self as a self taught Yodeller age 11, in the streets of ,Bootle where I lived many moons ago,I use to go out with my eldest brother delivering milk of the horse and cart,shouting Milk with a yodelling sound like they do in Switzerland .
Then my first love was country ,the Liverpool seamen use to bring Lps from New York and they eventually came to Liverpool, as it was Liverpool who invented country going over in there big old fashion sailing boats singing and dancing on the boat.
That’s where we picked it up ,according to my late mother. Eng,ire,Scotland,and wales,Ireland. It took off like wild fire.
Jim Reeves was my number 1 for 20 years then.i started writing to his recording engineer Tommy Strong we became very close friends, he told me Jim was a fine singer and a Gentelman hence Gentelman Jim Reeves.
We both stayed friends until Tommy died. He was Reeves recording engineer for ever.1956 I started writing to Tommy, my information went all the way to The Jim Reeves Fan Club in EU.they sent me a letter begging me to send them my letter for there Reeves Museum,
They wanted to fly over to my home and take it back to Sweden ?
Anyway I became a family friend with Jims sister Ivy Reeves, then his brother O.D. Reeves , we would exchange gifts Christmas time,
I use to phone Ivy and speak to Bula Reeves Jims mom.she had nine children,they all lived in a shack ,if you where to see it you wouldn’t beleive jim lived there, Texas East ,not far from Tex Ritter,
I wrote a story for the BBC my love for jim Reeves and his music.
1986-7 .we where invited over as I was writing to Mary for 36, happy years.its a very,very longtime ago ,my memory is on the ball.my 3 strokes never bothered me.
Jims mother said to me My son Jim has a beautiful voice David.
what a beautifull voice makes me so happy just hereing his lovely voice could listen all day love owen mac
Amazing youngman.If i did not met him on youtube more than 2 years ago on youtube with his song “Walz of an angel” i wpuld not make it.